Basic Guide to Powder Coating Stripping

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Every powder coater will eventually encounter a job that requires stripping existing powder coating from the item to be finished. This guide covers three different methods for stripping or sanding down existing layers of finish so you have a clean substrate ready to recoat.

Here we will give you some basic options to guide you in using powder coating removal chemicals, solvent chemicals, or other equipment such as burn off ovens.

powder coating stripping chemicals

Option 1: Sandblasting

Sandblasting is a great way to remove powder coating, but it also has some limitations.

The pros of sand-based blasting include that you don’t need expensive disposal fees like those associated with chemical strippers, and there’s no environmental impact since all debris materializes into its pile at your feet.

Additionally, sandblasting will create a profile while removing the existing coat of powder. This can reduce the two common steps for removing the coating, then profiling and cleaning part to just one step – stripping any existing powders from surfaces with media that often have more uses than originally planned.

The potential drawback is the cost compared to chemical stripping or batch burn-off ovens, but this may not always be true depending on how much work needs to be done in preparation beforehand.

Some other drawbacks include:

  • Sandblasting is a great way to remove powder coating quickly from surfaces with recessed areas, but it’s not always the best option.
  • It may be more cost-effective in some cases to hire a professional instead of owning the equipment.
  • Media savings and reduced disposal fees are only worthwhile if you have enough space to store your largest parts in a sandblast room.
  • Sandblasting might take more time than ovens.

Option 2: Solvent Chemical Strippers

Another method of powder coating stripping is to use solvent chemicals.

powder coating stripping guide
Chemical stripping is an excellent way to remove powder coating from any surface
, especially if you have difficulty removing it by hand. The chemicals are quick and easy because they only take minutes before the part can be cleaned with water or with another cleaner agent depending on what your manufacturer recommends for best results.

Chemical stripping can be useful when you need to strip away excess material that has built up on your part or if there are some pesky blemishes from previous coats of paint inhibiting smooth functioning – like rust spots! However, these hazards make this process best suited as an option in select circumstances only because regular use will inevitably result in greater wear and tear over time.

See Stripping Chemical Suppliers on PCO



powder coating stripping chemicals guide

*Remember to use PPE- personal protection equipment gloves and eye protection, as the powder coating stripping chemical may have an allergic reaction on the skin. Always practice safety precautions in handling any of the substances.




Option 3: Burn Off Oven or Heat Gun

powder coating stripping guideRemoving powder coat with heat gun or burn off ovens ( AKA Heat Cleaning Ovens) is also a method of powder coating stripping. Batch burn-off ovens are one of the fastest ways to remove powder coating from parts. They have low disposal fees, an easy-to-use setup process, and can be used on most surfaces without issue.

However, they do come at a cost due in part because you need a large enough oven for any given product, which may require initial investment before generating income. Additionally, with these methods, there’s still plenty else that goes into preparing whatever surface will eventually receive new coatings, such as sanding down rough edges if necessary.

Batch burn-off ovens can be a great option for those who regularly need to remove powder coating, and they’re best if you have high production because, in line with your system, these work quickly.




Source: Fred Wellman, WSI Industries, LLC , makers of N-Terpinal®
N-Terpinal products are sustainable semi-aqueous, organic chemical formulations designed for the releasing of paint, powder coating, adhesives, polyester resins, ink, and more

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